Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Media: The Age of Persuasion "Even More Remarkable Brands"

"Even More Remarkable Brands" is a very...interesting podcast. There are a few valid points that stand out but the general reaction from me was very minimal. Terry O'Reilly discusses the "popular" brands of the century. At first he rambles on about space and a black hole, but then jumps to Remarkable Branding. Marketing is what sells a brand, and if the brand is marketed well enough, it will become a Remarkable Brand. Remarkable Brand meaning it is the most popular of that category, Crayola for example, is to childhood art, as Coca Cola is to soda. Both are the biggest brands of time and are still immensely popular today. Logos are a key role in branding. The single image and name of a product are what distinguish it from all the others in the same vicinity. The logo can evolve and become more dynamic over time, but one wrong small change can plummet the product off the shelf of remarkability. When Coke changed it's recipe in 1985, their consumers could tell the difference and were furious about the change. If you have worked hard enough to make your product a remarkable brand, why fix what isn't broken?

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