Monday, March 28, 2011

Media-Lady Gaga....Pop Star or Entertainment Artist?

When it comes to Lady Gaga, there is much controversy about: her clothing choice...or lack there of, her lyrics, and her performances. However, is she truly a singing pop star, or is she just a performing entertainment artist? I personally think that she is an entertainment artist. A true pop star can sing, without auto-tune(Avril Lavigne for example) and still sound good, they can have chart topping hits without parading around in questionable outfits doing risque moves. Lady Gaga started out with many body suits of different colours and shapes. Now, she is wearing dresses that are see-through with stars in certain areas, a meat dress and she has climbed out of an egg? Who sits in an egg? An entertainment artist does, entertainers jump out of things all the time, cakes, boxes, plants, etc. Gaga may be able to sing, but she does what an entertainer is supposed to do. She grabs the audiences attention and holds their attention by keeping things fresh and new and quirky. With Lady Gaga you never know what you are going to get or hear or see next, and I think that is the way she wants it to be. She loves her fans, she has said this in interviews many times, but I think as she evolves and alters her approach to her music and performances, she may be narrowing the window of followers.

                   Lady Gaga's 2008 album- The Fame

Lady Gaga at the 2011 Grammy's


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