Sunday, February 27, 2011

Media-Merchants of Cool

Do you think you or the people around you are influenced by the media standard of "cool"? Why or why not?

In every school there are groups of people. There's a group for people who are always ahead of the latest fashions and trends. Another group of people who are following the first group like lost puppy dogs always wondering what's cool and what's not. And then there is the last group, for people like me, people who genuinely could care less about the latest fads. I definitely don't care what the latest trend is, why spend 300 bucks on a new iPod and then shell out another 400 bucks two weeks later when the next one comes out? There are things that I buy just as an interst or keeping up with technology (i.e. my mp3 player for all my music, and my blackberry to keep in contact with my friends) but that's about it. I don't upgrade to a new iTouch everytime one comes out, or get the newest blackberry when its released. One is all you need, and if it works, why waste money on a stupid upgrade? Because that is what the media tells us we need to do in order to be "cool". You must have the hippest clothes, the sleekest technology, the fastest car and so on. Not everyone can afford these luxuries of latest fads and if you can't everyone finds out. If you show up to class with a walkman, yeah you will most likely get made fun of since cassettes are rather old, but even if you walk in with a Samsung mp3 you get the 20 questions asking you why you don't have an iPod, that's just how trends work and will always work. With these trends and fashions constantly changing and frequently being updated it's amazing to me how the same people can consistently afford to keep upgrading their status on the fad list, but I guess some people will buy whatever they need to in order to be ontop of the latest trends to be "cool".

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