Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Has the re-appropriation of the "N-Word" and/or the "Q-Word" helped or hindered the cause of black and gay Canadians?

    The term re-appropriation means to take back a word and its meaning. The N-Word and the Q-Word actually mean different things then the society today believes. However, society has taken those words along with others and altered the meanings, thus classifying and degrading specfic groups of people. A person is a person no matter what size, shape, colour, sexuality, gender, race etc. And being a person, everyone should be treated as such and not be completely disregarded by a word. If we(meaning society) "need" to classify groups of people using a word then why stop there?? Why not classify all the short people as "stump"? Or all the people with black hair as "black sheep"? Or all the tall as "stretch"? Because those words aren't as powerful!!!! Society has taken the N-Word and the Q-Word and re-appropriated them into a demeaning classification. Since society has altered these meanings, it reflects just how incoherent society today truely is. The fact that the words are TECHNICALLY off limits but are allowed to be said in songs or to one another in the same "classification" seems a lot like a double standard. There shouldn't be any halfway point. You either re-appropriate the word completely OR leave it alone!


  1. Good job Stephanie. Watch out for the exclamation marks. Just let your writing convey the message. The exclamation marks just make it appear like you're yelling.

    Take a peek at this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2wnmaRxwqE

  2. Missing two blogs.

    One on Lady Gaga and one on American Teen

  3. Ya I was talking to Shelby about them after I got the rubric back, and she said that I wasn't there for them I just forgot to ask you about them after English...What do I need to write them about?
