Tuesday, February 8, 2011

English-All About Me

           My name is Stephanie Pulley. I’ve been referred to as the typical: Stephanie, Steph, Stephie, but also; Stephster, Stefawn, Stefooner, and so many other weird creations my friends come up with. I’m as very social person, I talk everyday, all day long, and I always have something to say. I’m a very honest, opinionated person and I have no problem with standing my ground and being blunt regardless of if people want to hear it or not. I’ve experienced enough in my life to know that you might as well be honest because if the situation is bad enough to lie about it whether you lie about it or not, someone is going to get ticked off either way.
            I’m almost 18 years old, two more weeks, and to be only 18 years old, I have experienced waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much crap. Everyone has their days where they just can’t take it anymore and just want to crash down and punch something or whatever they need to do to release their emotions. I’ve experienced so many things that most people would have crashed by now and given up, but I’m still fighting to make it through every day with a smile on my face. The majority of people don’t know what I’ve been and still am going through but that is fine by me just as long as they believe that smile.
            This semester will hopefully give me time to get my mind together. Last semester was chaos on wheels because of how crazy my courses were and the things I had going on, but this semester is rather easy. I’m hoping that since this semester is easier I can focus on more personal, home-based issues and get them squared away so that I can focus on what I need to do at school instead of trying to focus on school work when I’m really worrying about other issues. So hopefully this semester will be good, fingers crossed!! J

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